Saturday, November 29, 2014

Grilled Turkey and Garlic Sandwich

One of the best things about Thanksgiving is the leftovers! I love the traditional turkey with cream cheese and cranberry sandwich, but here's  another yummy sandwich that's been a Wagner tradition for years. It's not fancy, but so good!
Grilled Turkey and Garlic Sandwich
Leftover Turkey
McCormick Minced Garlic
 Spread softened butter on one side of each piece of bread. (This is the one time of year I buy a loaf of white bread. Don't judge me). :)

Sprinkle with Minced Garlic
Turn the bread over and spread mayonnaise on the other side.
Place the turkey in the sandwich and grill in a heated skillet until golden brown on each side. 
Make this sandwich your own my adding your favorite cheese, mustard or whatever your heart desires! It's the minced garlic that makes it special.
When I was loading my pictures I was surprised by this one that Nolan took of my dough trough I talked about in an earlier blog. Tomorrow I will be putting my pumpkins away and bringing out my Christmas decorations. I love my pumpkins!  
Julie Wagner

Friday, November 7, 2014

Favorite Finds Friday: Autumn and Caramel Corn

Autumn! My favorite time of year!
This gorgeous picture was taken by Billie Coon! It's beautiful just like her!
(My husband wants you to know that this is the road that goes to his duck hunting swamp).
I love everything about Autumn! I love the crisp coolness in the air, pumpkins, sweaters, boots, hot mugs between my hands, and only having to shave my legs every other day instead of every day.  Pumpkin pie, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes... I even like it getting dark earlier and the rain. (I do get tired of it come January though). I love sitting inside listening to an Autumn storm and watching the leaves swirling in the air. Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, is in Autumn. And I love, love, love pumpkin patches!
I think Elijah does too!
Another favorite that I associate with Autumn is Caramel Corn! I have a little trick to make it extra chewy. One time I wanted a little more than a regular batch so I made 1 1/2 recipes. My family told me that it was the best caramel corn I've made... and it was good before. I realized that instead of adding 1 1/2 times the corn syrup, I doubled it. Here's my adjusted recipe.
Chewy Caramel Corn

1 1/2 C butter
2 1/4 C brown sugar
1/2 C corn syrup
1 1/2 t salt
3/4 t baking soda
1 1/2 t vanilla
8 qt. popped popcorn (3 batches with my air popper)
I use an air popper, but you can use the microwave and a brown paper bag if you'd like. I also put the un-popped kernels back through.
I run my hands through it to allow the un-popped kernels to settle to the bottom of the bowl before transferring the popcorn to a LARGE bowl.

Melt butter and stir in brown sugar, corn syrup and salt.
Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Once boiling turn burner to low and boil for 5 minutes without stirring. (I can almost smell it).
Remove from heat and stir in baking soda and vanilla. It will bubble when you add the vanilla.
Pour caramel over popcorn and mix well.
Pour into a shallow, greased pan.
Bake at 200* for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. This is the best part because every time you stir it you get to eat some! :)
Cool on a piece of wax paper or parchment paper.
Happy Autumn everyone!
Julie Wagner